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How Chiropractic Health Centre is Different

Desk with toolsIn the field of healthcare, constant advancements are being made to improve our understanding of the human body and its intricate workings. This knowledge stimulates innovation within chiropractic to further advance the profession through cutting-edge procedures of treatment known as “Adjustments”.

One such innovation with respect to chiropractic adjustments is a technique which Dr. Weyrauch has personally developed over the past twenty years. Dr. Weyrauch has termed this technique “RESULTS ORIENTED CARE” (ROC).

Results Oriented Care

There are two unique aspects of this technique:

  • The first unique aspect is that it utilizes an instrument to deliver a safe and precise physical stimulus. This instrument can be adjusted to provide gentler stimulation for sensitive areas of the body and stronger stimulation for less sensitive areas that require deeper treatment.
  • The second unique aspect is that ROC has been developed to be a comprehensive system to locate and correct abnormal function within all aspects of the nervous system. Locating the cause of any health issue within the BRAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEM is essential to restoring the body’s capacity to heal itself fully and naturally.



How Chiropractic Health Centre is Different | (416) 226-4950